Kofi Bassaw Quartey was a Combat Medic Technician in The Royal Army Mediacal Corps for six years. After being medically discharged in 2014, Kofi now works for Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Along with training healthcare support workers he runs insight and information days for service leavers, Reservists and spouses, using his experience to talk about opportunities, facilitate placements and support applications for vacancies.
“I wasn’t ready to leave. I’d spent a number of years thinking ‘where’s next?’ but when it came it was a shock and I didn’t know where to turn.
“I realised the NHS was somewhere I could transfer my skills. So I went online and found a local information day. When I got to Basingstoke I applied for a job myself.
Kofi Bassaw Quartey
“The attributes employers are looking for, we have by virtue of our training, what we call the C-drills: the courage to lead, discipline, integrity, loyalty and selfless commitment. Respect for others; chain of command; being a team player.“I think they thought I was pitching above my level, so I had to drop down and prove myself. It came at a cost because I had to work long hours but I was resilient and saw the opportunity. You need to be flexible, shine and move up. But now I find myself teaching and chairing meetings, all because of the skills I got in the Regiment. Doing it here is second nature.
“So it’s about how we can make those skills, those ‘core values’, civilian friendly, so employers can easily realise someone’s potential. It’s the language we use.”